February 1, 2013

What the hell ?!?!?

Well, I haven't posted for a while - that's because I don't know what the hell to write about?!?!?

Ginny isn't getting skinny very quickly!!!!

Don't get me wrong, Im back on track. I have dragged my ass up early for gym 4 times in the last week. My eating has been clean and I have stopped the booze!

My weight today was 97.5 kg which is a happy distance away from the 108 kg I was at the beginning of this journey.

I think I have two reasons I feel like I don't know what to write about:

1 - I'm in "meh" land, where 'Im not finding it difficult, but I'm also not finding myself bursting with enthusiasm. I guess this is the "one step in front of the other" phase.

2 - I have been going through A LOT of personal, emotional stuff and don't feel like the world wants to hear my problems.

I want this blog to be an enjoyable read - with wise words punctuated with lot's of laughs and giggles along the way! So this, "meh" phase isn't terribly interesting to write about.

For many people, I guess this is a danger time. Many people who are on a journey to losing weight, getting fit, or defeating some habit/addiction they have may lose enthusiasm at this point - because its not that hard, so you drop your guard, and because its "meh" you can lose motivation .

This to me is the reason why people who are looking for a quick fix often fail. Once you're in "meh land" you want the excitement back. The drama! Those swings of emotion you get when either you first start and you are all enthusiastic with all these plans and dreams, or when you are berating yourself for falling off the wagon and psyching yourself to get back on.

I'm not having that. I'm not hating myself for doing the wrong thing, and I'm not applauding myself for being so amazing either. I'm just putting one foot in front of the other, about a third of the way along my journey.

What I'm learning is that "meh land" is good. When there is no drama, no hating, no chastising or critisicing, no pep talks or psyche-up sessions, there is time for you. For life. Time to enjoy the now. Time to do that old cliche - stop and smell the roses.

Much of my life has been a roller-coaster of frightening drops from giant highs, plummeting into darkness, with the exhilarating shot back up to the light. Heart pounding, hair whipping around. Stomach in knots, eyes watering. That roller-coaster may be exciting, but it didn't pause at the edge of that rose bush where you could smell the sweet perfume. It didn't stop at the summit to overlook the stunning scenery of those gorgeous mountains being swathed in a shawl of soft cloud. It didn't pause on the beachside where you could taste the salt in the air. It whizzed you around so fast you could barely see!

I'm off that roller-coaster, cruisin' through "meh land" - and I like it!

Life is a journey. Through all different lands, all kinds of scenery. Don't compare one place to another. Don't dismiss one or dislike one because another seemed better. Enjoy all of the different destinations in your life - the beaches, the deserts, the summits, the valleys. Savour each place for its unique quality, and take a piece of it with you as you keep moving forward.

Never give up, and never take life for granted. Walk. Smell. Savour. Breathe. Laugh. Cry. Love.

Life is a beautiful journey - enjoy every day of yours.

V xx

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